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Internship Field: Health Care

Major: Biology

Host: Krankenhaus Lichtenberg. Klinik für Innere Medizin

Location: Berlin

Duration: 3 months in summer 2006


Description: "My duties included:

Blood withdrawal: I would arrive at 7:15am every day and take blood samples from patients as ordered by the station doctors the day before.

IVs: I would provide patients with an IV system when they needed one, and remove the device when no longer necessary.

Aufklärung: I would explain certain medical procedures to patients prior to enactment, leaving them to provide their signature when they understood. 

Aufnahme: I would conduct a general examination of patient that had been newly admitted into the hospital, asking them what pains they felt currently and then checking various parts of their body.

OP observation: I would watch Herzkatheter or Herzschrittmacher (Pacemaker) operations, talking to patients when they needed attention.

Visite: I would follow station doctors through a certain series of rooms every morning, discussing patients’ ailments with the doctor and then watching as he discussed them with the patients."

Comments: "Although I started the summer with the knowledge that I would learn a great deal of medical practice and German language skills, I didn’t realize how much I would learn about the German way of life.  It was delightful to learn the word “Feierabend”, as it seemed to signify that one didn’t continue to work after leaving one’s place of work.  Americans have yet to adapt such a philosophy, and I think it’s quite valuable for a healthy life."

German language skills: "My reading and writing skills have improved a little, but my speaking skills have developed to the point where I would actually say that I’m fluent in German."

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